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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Strategy Today! - Mutalisk Magic Box

This is a strategy that I learned from watching a couple videos and reading about it on another blog. This is a zerg strategy for mutalisk micro called the "magic box". In this strategy, you will be able to use mutalisks effectively to avoid enemies with large splash damage like thors. This is a good idea to think about and remember when fighting against a tech-heavy terran player.

The magic box is the formation that the mutalisks stay in when they are not bunched up. In order to execute the magic box, you simply tell your mutalisks to move together underneath them. They should then bunch up and in the subsequent 2-3 seconds, spread apart. This spread formation is the magic box. It helps significantly against splash damage attackers, as can be seen in the video above. It is a different way of using mutalisks than pushing them together in a tight group for one attack. As you can see in the video it is extremely effective. Enjoy!


  1. It's less useful, but it's a good idea to magic box against HTs too.

  2. wow never seen that before, nice gonna try it out asap

  3. great tips. ill try them next tiem!

  4. Cool. Thanks for checking out my blog. I'm a star craft fan too.

  5. Hate those links that take you to another page, always accidentally click them. Good stuff though, I'll be back.

  6. Interesting strategy. Thanks for the tips. I wish I had this game though :P

  7. Useful. Didn't know about that trick.

  8. BRILLIANT.jpg

    That is definitely something handy to keep in mind.

  9. =D I'll keep this in mind. Thanks for the tips/information =D

    Much love! =]

  10. Gonna buy it in a few days, helpful tips!

  11. very helpful thanks, I'll try it ;)

  12. Pretty much a must vrs thors, completely worth pausing for a second to do this before going in.

  13. Nice strategy. I'll try it and see how it goes.

  14. Wonder if there will ever be a patch to stop this

  15. How does it handle against tanks?!

  16. I like this, gotta try it next time i use zerg

  17. Thanks for the tip!

  18. wow this is pretty brilliant. i never thought about it being safer when youre not bunched up

  19. wow .... now that I think about it I have seen people doing this but I would have NEVER clued in .... thanks. Always wondered why Mutass never worked as well for me lol

  20. Thors are an expensive paperweight imo... that muta box strat is great nonetheless.

  21. Pretty awesome find. The more I read your reviews the more I want to get into this game.

  22. Too bad the game is full of elite koreans ._.

  23. cool stuff! thanks for the tips ;)

  24. Awesome game. Too bad my PC got broken and I can't play if any more. It freezes after couple of minutes, BSOD appears and then it just reboots. Anyways.. magic box strategy is great. I've been using it sometimes.

  25. Looks like fun, might have to acquire.
