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Monday, October 11, 2010

Tips for today

Hey everyone, how's it going? Today I have class pretty much all day and have a bunch of work to catch up on, so chances are I won't be able to do a video. But I might be able to later on tonight. If I do, I'll probably post it tomorrow! Just letting you guys know that this update will be a quick one full of a few tips.

Terran tips: 

-When fighting zerg, if you get an MMM army, be sure to get a raven for detection. When fighting any decent zerg player, there will probably banelings somewhere around the map or even scattered near your base. Use detection to spot banelings before your army becomes mine fodder. 

-Don't overlook the usability of the raven. Utilize autoturrets for harass and even tech up for the seeker missle to take out massive amounts of infantry. Especially effective against mass hydra.

Protoss tip:

-If you play tech-wise, always get heat lance for your colossi. It is ESSENTIAL! Giving your colossi the 7 range will help tons with micro managing and keeping them alive that much longer.

Zerg tip:

-Don't forget about the infestors! Infestors play a key role in any zerg army. Fungal growth can cripple an MMM army and infested terrans are great for harass or last minute defense.


  1. I mostly play Terran, and am not very good at all. Good tip with the Raven!

  2. Thanks for the tips. If I ever get SC2 then I'll be sure to come back here.

  3. couldnt agree more about heat lance.

  4. thank you for the tips, good sir. now i just need to buy the game.

  5. thanks for the terran tips

    they are the best class IMO

  6. thx for the tips

    spread tha SC@ luv

  7. Infestors are the absolute worst! Seriously, the man who made them was a brilliant jerk.

  8. Got to go with my technology boys protoss all the way thanks for the tip.

  9. Infestors are a great way to go

  10. NIce man! really usefull terran tips! ill try it out right now! :D

  11. interesting, I didn't know that...


  12. infestors are a nice addition to the gave

  13. this is relevant to just what I was thinking about

  14. Hey, just stumbled into your emporium of allegedly good strategy, and already I've learned a few handy tips. Props to you!

  15. Nice tips, planning any new strats post-patch?

  16. Terran tips is great! im in need of more tho! :D

  17. thanks for the tips man... i don't play, but my brother does

  18. Great tips! I think the Zerg is the best class.

  19. thanks for the zerg tips, i ALWAYS forget about these infestors ... seriously ...

  20. Thx for the Terran tip, I use that class most
